《Quantum Mechanics》 is branch of physics that describes the laws governing the behavior of small particles at the atomic scale. Born in early 20th century, when we had difficulties in understanding some observations of nature.
This course will be given in each Fall semester by Prof. Hong-Xi Xing(邢宏喜), or Prof. Zhen-Yu Wang(王振宇), or Prof. Zheng-Yuan Xue (薛正遠)at SCNU.
Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
趙凱華、羅蔚茵,, 《新概念物理教程:量?物理》
Feynman, Leighton, & Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume III
Cohen-Tannoudji, Diu, & Lalo?, Quantum Mechanics.
Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics.
Nielsen & Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
Note that the content here will be covered in each semester's course, but maybe not in the order liseted here.
1. Difficulties of classical physics.
1) Radiation of black body
2) Matter wave
3) Quantization
2. Mathematical basics of quantum mechanics
1) Operator of physical quantities and their properties
2) Uncertainty relation
3) Dirac notation
3. Sch?dinger Equation and its applications
1) Sch?dinger Equation
2) Time-independent Sch?dinger Equation
3) One-dimensional problems
4) Hydrogen atoms
4. Theory of picture and its transformation
1) Picture of operator
2) picture transformation
3) Matrix representation of quantum theory
5. Perturbation theory
1) Non-degenerate perturbation theory and its applications
2) Degenerate perturbation theory
3) Time-dependent perturbation theory and its applications
6. Spin and identical particles
1) Definition of spin and its properties
2) Mathematical representation of spin
3) Two-spin quantum system
4) Identical particles and its statistics