
JCST CFP: Special Section on Software Systems 2020
來源: 舒風(fēng)笛/

Indexed in: SCI Expanded, EI, etc.




Special Section on Software Systems 2020

Software systems have played critical roles in scientific research, business and society. Research on software systems focuses on construction, operation, maintenance, and assessment of software systems. This special section is an effort to encourage and promote research to address challenges from the software systems perspective. The goal of this special section is to present the state-of-the-art and high-quality original research papers in the area of software systems. Extended versions of papers published in conferences, symposiums, or workshop proceedings may be submitted with new contributions. Especially, we welcome the extended versions of papers published in first class software systems conferences. However, survey papers will not be considered.

This special section focuses on the theme of Internetware and Beyond. However, this special section also welcomes all other aspects of research on software systems.

Past articles from the JCST Special Section on Software Systems are at: http://jcst.ict.ac.cn, published in: Vol. 30, No. 5; Vol. 31, No. 5; Vol. 32, No.6; Vol. 33, No.5; Vol.34, No.5.

The Internet, not only of computers, but also of things and human users, has been rapidly and profoundly changing how software applications are constructed, deployed and used. To achieve their application goals, software systems on this Internet platform need to coordinate autonomous third-party services and resources, adapt to constant changes in the environment where they are situated and in the requirements they must satisfy, and continuously maintain for a level of service quality satisfactory to users. This theme aims to provide a forum where researchers and professionals from multiple disciplines and domains share ideas to explore and address the challenges brought by Internetware. It solicits submissions describing results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual, and experimental software engineering research related to Internetware. Topics of interests include but are not limited to:

*Novel software paradigm for Internetware
*Modeling and implementation of Internetware
*Requirements engineering for Internetware
*Software analysis, verification and testing
*Mining software repositories
*Software dependability, trustworthiness and confidence
*Software architecture and design
*Crowd-based methods, techniques and tools for Internetware
*Socio-technical models and techniques
*Software ecosystem practices and experiences
*Software models and techniques for Internet-based systems, such as:
cloud computing, service computing, social computing, mobile Internet, Internet of Things, and cyber-physical systems
*Software engineering for/with Big data
*Software engineering for/with artificial intelligence

Important Dates
Submission Deadline: February 29, 2020
Acceptance Decision: June 30, 2020
Publication: September 2020

Submission Procedure
All submissions must be done electronically through JCST's e-submission system at:

https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jcst, with manuscript type: "Special Section on Software Systems 2020".

Leading Editor
Tao Xie (Peking University, China), taoxie at pku.edu.cn

Guest Editors
Zhi Jin (Peking University, China), zhijin at pku.edu.cn
Xuandong Li (Nanjing University, China), lxd at nju.edu.cn
Gang Huang (Peking University, China), hgat pku.edu.cn
Hausi A. Müller(University of Victoria, Canada), hausi at cs.uvic.ca

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