APWeb-WAIM 2020 website: http://www.tjudb.cn/apwebwaim2020
The Asia Pacific Web (APWeb) and Web-Age Information Management (WAIM) Joint International Conference on Web and Big Data (APWeb-WAIM) is aiming at attracting professionals of different communities related to Web and Big Data who have common interests in interdisciplinary research to share and exchange ideas, experience and the underlying techniques and applications, including Web technologies, database systems, information management, software engineering and big data. Starting in 2017, the two conference committees have agreed to launch a joint conference. With the increased focus on Big Data, the new joint conference is expected to attract more professionals from different industrial and academic communities, not only from the Asia Pacific countries but also from other continents.
The 4th APWeb-WAIM joint international conference on Web and Big Data 2020 will take place in Tianjin, China. Tianjin is one of China's four municipalities under the direct administration of central government. It is an international port city and the largest seaside city in the North of China. It is our sincere hope that you will make best of your time here to visit more places and enjoy more scenery and we believe you will harvest a lot.
Abstract submission: February 9, 2020 (PST)
Full paper submission: February 16, 2020 (PST)
Acceptance Notification: April 23, 2020
Camera Ready: May 8, 2020
Conference Date: August 12-14, 2020
Advanced database and Web applications
Big data analytics
Big data management
Block chain models and applications
Caching and replication
Cloud computing
Content management
Data and information quality
Data management for mobile and pervasive computing
Data management on new hardware
Data mining
Data provenance and workflow
Data warehousing and OLAP
Deep Web
Digital libraries
Entity resolution and entity linking
Graph data management, RDF, social networks
Information extraction
Information integration and heterogeneous systems
Information retrieval
Knowledge extraction and management
Multimedia information systems
Machine Learning
Parallel and distributed data management
Query processing and optimization
Recommender systems
Security, privacy, and trust
Semantic Web and ontology
Sensor networks
Service-oriented computing
Social media
Spatial and temporal databases
Storage and access methods
Streams, complex event processing
Text database, keyword search
Uncertain data
Web advertising and community analysis
Web information quality and fusion
Web search and meta-search
Web service management
XML and semi-structured data
Authors should submit papers reporting original work that are currently not under review or published elsewhere. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be published as a volume of Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)series.
All papers should be submitted through the Conference Management Tool at: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/apwebwaim2020
All submissions must be written in English and conform to the Springer LNCS proceedings format with the following page limits: 15 pages for regular papers. Submitted papers will undergo a "double-blind" review process, coordinated by the Program Committee. To ensure anonymity of authorship, authors must ensure that authors' names, affiliations, funding, and any other identifying information of authorship do not appear on the title page or elsewhere in the paper.
A number of best papers accepted at APWeb-WAIM 2020 will be recommended to a set of SCI indexed journals, including World Wide Web Journal (IF 1.770, JCR Q2), Big Data Research (IF2.952, JCR Q2), and journal Data Science Engineering, for fast-track publication in special issues in these journals.