
CFP(several SCI SIs): 18th DASC, August 17-21, 2020, Calgary, Canada,
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==============CALL FOR PAPERS=================

The 18th IEEE Int'l Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC 2020)

August 17-21, 2020, Calgary, Canada 


We will provide remote presentations in circumstances where a travel ban prevents a presenter from attending the conference.




Regular Paper Submission Due (Extended): May 10, 2020

Wksp/SS/Poster Paper Due (Extended): June 2, 2020

Authors Notification (Extended): June 20, 2020

Camera-ready Submission (Extended): July 31, 2020



Extended versions of selected excellent papers will be considered for publication in special issues of prestigious journals (SCI/SCIE indexed). All invited papers will require an additional amount of new results for the extended versions. The new extended versions will undergo a new review conducted by the Special Issue editors as required.

Special Issue CFP on "Deep Learning for 5G IoT Systems" at "International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics" IF 3.84 

Special Issue on "Recent Advances in Social Data and Artificial Intelligence 2019" at "Symmetry" IF 2.14 

Special Issue on "Security and Privacy in Cyber Physical Systems" at "Electronics" IF 1.764 

Special Issue on "Deep Learning Models and Techniques for Security and Privacy Preservation in 5G Heterogeneous Networks (5G HetNets)" at "IEEE Network" IF 7.53

Special Issue on "Cybersecurity in Smartgrids" at "Energies" IF 2.71 

Special Issue on "Cyber Threat Intelligence and Adversarial Risk Analysis" at "Evolutionary Intelligence (Springer)" 

Special Issue at "IEEE Access" IF 4.098 – Coming Soon!!




IEEE DASC 2020 will be held in June 22-26, 2020, Calgary, Canada , co-located with IEEE CyberSciTech 2020, IEEE PICom 2020 and IEEE CBDCom 2020. 

IEEE DASC 2020 aims to bring together computer scientists, industrial engineers, and researchers to discuss and exchange experimental and theoretical results, novel designs, work-in-progress, experience, case studies, and trend-setting ideas in the areas of dependability, security, trust and/or autonomic computing systems. Topics of particular interests include the following tracks, but are not limited to:

Track 1. Dependable and Fault-tolerant Computing

 -  Fundamentals, including Dependability Evaluation, Dependable Sensors, QoS, SOA, etc.

 -  Dependable & Fault-tolerant Computing in Big Data, CPS, IoT, SDN, and Real-time System

 -  Dependability & Fault-tolerance in Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing, and Pervasive Computing

 -  Human Aspects, and Education 

 -  Software Engineering in Dependable and Fault-tolerant Computing

 -  Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Dependable and Fault-tolerant Computing

 -  Hardware and Software Reliability, Verification and Testing

 -  Safety-critical Systems, Mission-critical Systems

Track 2. Network and System Security and Privacy

 -  Fundamentals, including Intrusion-Detection, Digital Forensics, (Counter-)Surveillance, etc.

 -  Security and Privacy in Big Data, CPS, IoT, SDN, and Real-time Systems 

 -  Security and Privacy in Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing, Mobile and Pervasive Computing 

 -  Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Network and System Security and Privacy

 -  Human Aspects, and Education 

 -  Cyber Attack, Crime and Cyber War

 -  Biometric Issues in Security and Privacy

Track 3. Autonomic Computing and Autonomous Systems

 -  Fundamentals, including Agents, Real-Time Perception, Decision, Control, Self-healing, etc. 

 -  Autonomic and Autonomous Issues in Big Data, CPS, IoT, SDN, and Real-time Systems

 -  Autonomic and Autonomous Issues in Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing, Pervasive Computing

 -  Self-Organization and Organic Computing, 

 -  Cognitive Computing and Self-Aware Computing

 -  Energy Management in Autonomic Computing and Autonomous Systems

 -  Software Engineering in Autonomic Computing and Autonomous Systems

 -  Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Autonomic Computing and Autonomous Systems

 -  Human Aspects, and Education

Track 4. Industrial Applications and Emerging Techniques

 -  Software/Apps/Tools Development for Dependable and Secure Applications

 -  Autonomous Robotics, Vehicles, Machines, and Various Systems 

 -  IoT and Sensor Network, Big Data, Smart Grid, Aerospace, Transportation Applications

 -  Safety Care, Medical Care and Services, IoT-based Healthcare

 -  Other Applications and Emerging Techniques

 -  Social Aspects of Applying Systems  




Authors are invited to submit their original research work using IEEE CS Proceedings format via DASC 2020 website: http://cyber-science.org/2020/dasc/sub/. 

Research paper (8 pages) should explore a specific technology problem and propose a complete solution to it, with experimental results. Work-in Progress (WiP) Papers (4~6 pages) and Demo/Poster papers (2~4 pages) must describe working systems within the scope of DASC. Workshop & Special Session papers (6 pages) need to be submitted to corresponding workshops & special sessions. 

* Accepted papers will be included into the proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press (EI indexed). 

* At least one of the authors of any accepted paper is required to register and present the paper at the conference. 

* Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for fast-track publication in some prestige journals (SCI/EI indexed). 

* Best Paper Awards will be given for the best papers in DASC 2020. 




Honorary Chairs 

Vincenzo Piuri, University of Milan, Italy

Pamela Hawranik, Athabasca University, Canada

General Chairs

Rossitza Marinova, Concordia Univ. of Edmonton, Canada

Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Fordham University, USA

General Executive Chairs

Henry Leung, The University of Calgary, Canada 

Mohammad Zulkernine, Queen's University, Canada

Program Chairs 

Bo Yang, University of Electronic Sci. & Tech. of China, China

Aniello Castiglione, Univ. of Naples Parthenope, Italy

Program Vice-Chairs (Track Chairs)

Liang Luo, Univ. of Elec. Sci. & Tech. of China, China 

Alireza Jolfaei, Federation University, Australia 

Lunke Fei, Guangdong Univ. of Technology, China

Fengyu Wang, Shandong University, China

Behrouz Far, The University of Calgary, Canada

Ismail Hamieh, General Motors, USA

Mohammad Moshirpour, Univ. of Calgary, Canada

Changqing Luo, Virginia Commonwealth Univ., USA

Workshop/Special Session Chairs

Kashif Saleem, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

WiP/Poster/Demo Chairs

Yanmei Hu, Chengdu Univ. of Technology, China

S. M. Kamruzzaman, Humber College, Canada

Federico Tramarin, University of Padova, Italy

Junggab Son, Kennesaw State University, USA

Special Issue Chairs

Gautam Srivastava, Brandon University, Canada

Zhihan Lv, Qingdao University, China

Abbas Haider, Nat'l Univ. of Sci. & Tech., Pakistan

Publicity Chairs

Naohiro Hayashibara, Kyoto Sangyo Univ., Japan

Hau-San Wong, City Univ. of Hong Kong, China

Weizhi Meng, Technical Univ. of Denmark, Demark

Sk Md Mizanur Rahman, Centennial College, Canada

International Advisory Committee (alphabetical)

Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Univ. of Oklahoma, USA

Nobuyasu Kanekawa, Hitachi, Ltd., Japan

Sy-Yen Kuo, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, China

Yew-Soon Ong, Nayang Technological University, Singapore

Hideyuki Takagi, Kyushu University, Japan

Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya, Osaka University, Japan

Simon X. Yang, University of Guelph, Canada

Steering Committee

Jianhua Ma (Chair), Hosei University, Japan

Laurence T. Yang (Chair), St. Francis Xavier Univ, Canada

Yuanshun Dai, Univ. of Elec. Sci. & Tech. of China, China

Tadashi Dohi, Hiroshima University, Japan

Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Fordham Univ., USA

Please visit the DASC 2020 Website 


for the complete listing of organizing committee and TPC members.

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