IEEE International Symposium on
Industrial Electronics ISIE’18
12-15 June 2018, Cairns, Australia
Special Session on
“Consumer Wireless Technology for Industrial Applications”
Principal Organizer: Adnan M. Abu-Mahfouz ([email protected])
Affiliation: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa.
Organizer 1: Lei Shu (
Affiliation: Nanjing Agricultural University, China / University of Lincoln, UK.
Organizer 2: Gerhard P. Hancke ([email protected])
Affiliation: University of Pretoria, South Africa.
There are a number of new wireless technologies aimed primarily at connecting consumers and creating commercial networks, such as LoRa, Sigfox, Weightless, LTE Cat M1 and NB-IoT, but these technologies can also be applied to existing and new industrial applications and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). However, to do so would require systems to ensure network performance, such as reliable connectivity and latency, in addition to device management. The main objective of this special session is to provide a forum to share and discuss new ideas, use cases and research results on all aspects of industrial wireless. Researcher, scientists, engineers, practitioners and industrialists are invited to submit original research contributions in all related areas, which include, but not limited to:
· Innovative applications and business models for consumer wireless in industrial applications
· Software defined networking, network functions virtualization and network slicing for IIoT
· Edge, fog and cloud computing for IIoT
· Energy efficiency and energy harvesting for IIoT
· Simulation, testbeds, prototypes, field trails, and other performance analysis of consumer wireless for industrial applications
· Channel characterisation and modelling in industrial environments
Submissions Procedure: All the instructions for paper submission are included in the conference website
Deadline for submission of papers: January 15, 2018
Notification of acceptance of papers: March 1, 2018
Final manuscripts due: April 1, 2018
Principal Organiser: Adnan Abu-Mahfouz (SMIEEE, IES Member) received his MEng and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Pretoria. He is currently Principal Research Engineer at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Research and Innovation Associate at Tshwane University of Technology and Extraordinary faculty member at the University of Pretoria. His research interests are wireless sensor and actuator network, low power wide area networks, software defined wireless sensor network, cognitive radio, network security, network management, sensor/actuator node development, smart grid and smart water systems. Dr Abu-Mahfouz is an associate editor at IEEE Access, Senior Member of the IEEE and Member of many IEEE Technical Communities. Dr Abu-Mahfouz participated in the formulation of many large and multidisciplinary R&D successful proposals (as Principal Investigator or main author/contributor). He is currently the principal investigator of a large multidisciplinary collaborative project entitled “Smart Water Management System”. Dr Abu-Mahfouz is the founder of the Smart Networks collaboration initiative that aims to develop efficient and secure networks for the future smart systems, such as smart cities, smart grid and smart water grid.
Organizer 1: Lei Shu (SMIEEE, IES Member) is currently a Lincoln Professor in the University of Lincoln, UK, also a distinguished professor in Nanjing Agricultural University, China. His research interests include: Internet of Things, Wireless Sensor Networks, Multimedia Communication, Middleware, Fault Diagnosis and Security. He has published over 360 papers in related conferences, journals, and books in the area of sensor networks. He had been awarded the Globecom 2010, ICC 2013, IEEE Systems Journal 2017 Best Paper Awards. He has been serving as Editor in Chief for EAI Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, and associate editors for IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Access, etc. He has served as more than 50 various Co-Chair for international conferences/workshops, e.g., IWCMC, ICC, ISCC; TPC members of more than 150 conferences, e.g., DCOSS, MASS, ICC, Globecom, ICCCN, WCNC, ISCC. He has served as reviewer of more than 50 journals. He is a member of IEEE, IEEE ISE, IEEE ComSoc, and ACM.
Organizer 2: Gerhard P. Hancke (FIEEE, IES Member) is a Professor at the University of Pretoria. He is recognized internationally as a pioneer and leading scholar in Wireless Sensor Networks research, especially aimed at industrial applications. He co-authored around 200 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. 4 of these papers are among the top 1% within a research field in the latest ESI (Essential science indicators) update, based on citations received within the last 10 years. He co-edited a textbook Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications, Protocols, and Standards, (2013), the first on the topic. He has been a Guest Co-Editor of Special Sections on topics such as “Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks” in the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, and “Information Technologies in Smart Grids”, “Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks” and “Fog Computing for Industrial Application” in the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. He is an Associated Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics and IEEE Access. He became a Fellow of the IEEE “for contributions to wireless sensor networks”.