Big Data Intelligence and Management in Cloud Computing Environments
To be published by IGI Global
In recent years, we have witnessed the explosive growth of data available in diverse applications. This is making it an extremely urgent task to efficiently store, manage, and process massive data. Big Data technology in cloud computing environments has emerged to meet such requirements and being applied in many real-world domains for effective problem solving and decision making. At this point, in addition to three popular cloud paradigms of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS), Knowledge as a Service (KaaS) is playing an increasing role in Big Data intelligence. The need for faster and smarter processing and management of Big Data is challenging today's Big Data technology and meanwhile promote its evolution.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
? Data stores in cloud computing environments
? Data index in cloud computing environments
? Data queries in cloud computing environments
? Data share, exchange and integration in cloud computing environments
? Knowledge representation and reasoning in cloud computing environments
? Personalization in data management in cloud computing environments
? Information security in cloud computing environments
? Data and knowledge cloud systems
? Domain-specific data and knowledge cloud applications
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit full chapters on or before December 15, 2018. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Authors will be notified by January 15, 2019 about the status of their chapters. The revised chapters are expected to be submitted by February 15, 2019.
All chapters should be submitted through the following link:
You may refer to the following link when you prepare your chapters:
Important Dates
December 15, 2018: Full Chapter Submission
January 15, 2019: Review Results Returned
February 15, 2019: Revised Chapter Submission