由IEEE和清華大學出版社合作的英文期刊《Journal of Social Computing》第一期已上線,,歡迎關注!https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=8964404 We would like to let you know that the first issue of the Journal of Socia
Special Session on Distributed and Parallel Evolutionary Computation for Large-Scale Global Optimization IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 202128 June - 01 July 2021, Kraków, Poland詳情請見:
CFP: Frontiers in Communications and Networks5G-and-Beyond Communications for Smart Cities: Networks, Systems and Applications https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/16232 Submission Deadlines:0
會議征文: 第七屆信息科學與控制工程國際會議 (2020 International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering, ICISCE 2020)將于2020年12月18至20日在湖南長沙舉行,。大會由IEEE,、IEEE計算機學會,、湖南人文科技學院、湖南大學,、廈門大學,、北京建筑大學、中國計量大學等國內外多個單位共同主辦
The Applied Computational Electromagnetics SocietyAnnounces a Special Issue of the ACES Journal on:Emerging Devices and Antennas for 5G/6G ApplicationsGuest Editors:Dr. Yongjin Zhou, Shanghai Universi
Call for PapersIEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyBlockchain for Vehicles and Intelligent Communications The proliferation of vehicles and intelligent communications is generating enormous amoun
Call for PapersIEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyBlockchain for Vehicles and Intelligent Communications The proliferation of vehicles and intelligent communications is generating enormous amoun
Call for PapersIEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyBlockchain for Vehicles and Intelligent Communications The proliferation of vehicles and intelligent communications is generating enormous amoun
Call for PapersIEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyBlockchain for Vehicles and Intelligent Communications The proliferation of vehicles and intelligent communications is generating enormous amoun