3Contact Me
Kwei-Jay Lin is a Professor at the University of California, Irvine. He is an Adjunct Professor at the National Taiwan University and National Tsinghua University, Taiwan; Zhejiang University, China; Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan. He is the Chief Scientist at the Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center at the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
He is an IEEE Fellow and Editor-In-Chief of the Springer Journal on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA). He was the Co-Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Business Informatics and Systems (TCBIS) until 2012. He has served on many international conferences, recently as conference co-chairs of SOCA 2015, CBI 2015. His research interest includes service-oriented systems, IoT systems, middleware, real-time computing, and distributed computing.
WuKong: A Self-Configurable M2M Management Project
LLAMA: The inteLLigent Accountability Middleware Architecture Project
QCWS: The QoS Web Service Composition Project
(Winter 2016) EECS12 Introduction to Programming
(Winter 2016) EECS223 Real-Time Computer Systems