4Contact Me
Dr. Ping Yu's research interest is adoption, usage and impact of e-health solutions in health and aged care for improving service delivery. This includes three key research areas:
(1) Social technical issues driving the adoption of information and communication technology by health and aged care organisations and workers
(2) Health and aged care information system (including mobile application) analysis and evaluation
(3) Health informatics education and health care workforce IT capacity building
Subjects I Teach:
Spring Session 2007:
ITCS301/ITCS92 Exploring Collaborative Technologies
ITCS429/ITCS929 Concepts and Issues in Healthcare Computing
Autumn Session 2007:
ITCS937 Security, Risk Management and Control for e-Commerce
IACT430/IACT930 Patterns for eBusiness
Spring Session 2006:
ITCS929/ITCS429 Concepts and Issues in Healthcare Computing
IACT303 Worldwide Networking
Autumn Session 2006:
CSCI315/MCS935/ITCS921 Database Design and Implementation
ITCS430/ITCS930 Introduction to Health Informatics
Spring Session 2005:
IACT303/MCS9303 World Wide Networking
ITCS301 Exploring Collaborative Technologies
IACT932 Special Topics in IACT B: Exploring Collaborative Technologies
Autumn Session, 2005 - Study Leave
Collaborative research in Health Telematrics Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, Canada
Spring Session 2005:
IACT303/MCS9303 World Wide Networking
ITCS301 Exploring Collaborative Technologies
IACT932 Special Topics in IACT B: Exploring Collaborative Technologies
Autumn Session 2004:
MCS9235 Database Systems
ITCS430/ITCS930 Introduction to Health Informatics
Spring Session 2004:
CSCI213 Java Programming and the Internet
ITCS937 Security, Risk Management and Control for e-commerce
(Teach at ABRS in Hongkong)
CSCI321 Software Projects Supervision:
CSCI321 software projects supervised
Courses I Have Coordinated:
2002-2003 Master of Industry Based Information Technology
2003 to present Master of Health Informatics
adoption, usage and impact of e-health solutions in health and aged care for improving service delivery